Leya” is a collaboration between Flerine Dah’Queen and the popular Zambian duo Chanda Na Kay. The track combines Flerine Dah’Queen’s distinctive vocal style with Chanda Na Kay’s energetic and entertaining delivery, creating a vibrant and catchy song.
Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You" is a classic love ballad originally by George…
Dance Alone" by Preston Pablo is a soulful R&B track that captures vulnerability and longing…
My Life" by The Game featuring Lil Wayne is a powerful hip-hop anthem that delves…
Seya" by Morad and GIMS is a vibrant fusion of Afrobeat and urban sounds. The…
You're My Number One" by Enrique Iglesias is a passionate love ballad that radiates devotion…
Trailer" by Driemo is a vibrant Afrobeat anthem highlighting his melodic flair and storytelling talent.…